Gordon Robertson Professional Corporation Logo


Gordon Robertson Professional Corporation is a family-run accounting firm located in the City of Orillia. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise in corporate and personal accounting service, our team works with you to identify your needs and find the right solutions for you. Gordon Robertson prides itself on providing client and industry specific accounting solutions, from tax preparation and filing, to bookkeeping and financial consulting and planning. As a family-run practice, we pride ourselves on providing trustworthy client and industry specific accounting services. We work with you to find to right solution for your needs.

Gordon Robertson

Gordon started his career in accounting with BDO in 1982 after obtaining degrees from the University of Western and University of Windsor. In 1988 he obtained his designation from CGA Ontario. In 1986 he came to work in Orillia, Ontario with Barry Smith CA, until he opened his own practice in 1997. We currently reside at 349 West St. N, Orillia continuing to serve the area with their personal and corporate accounting needs.
Your Top Choice For

Financial Needs

We would love to hear from you to find out how we can help you with what ever service you may require.

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Gordon Robertson offers professional accounting services in Orillia. Explore all of the services we provide.
  • Personal and Corporate
    Tax Planning

    The assistance with business planning, structuring management, owner compensation, tax advice on purchasing and selling a business, tax elective retirement and estate planning, corporate reorganizations and advice on business start-up.

  • Business and Financial

    Assist clients with day to day decision making, provide advice on major decisions made within the business and review the business plan to ensure it is relevant for the current business and personal goals.

  • Book Keeping
    and Payroll

    On or off-site bookkeeping and payroll services such as budgeting, bill payments, financial and management advisory, WSIB filings, communication with CRA, T4 preparation etc.

  • Business
    GST/HST Returns

    The assistance with or preparation of the various government returns such as GST/HST, WSIB, EHT and other filings.

  • Financial

    The assistance with or preparation of personal and corporate financial statements.

  • Personal Income
    and Tax Returns

    The assistance with or preparation of personal income and tax returns.

  • T2 Corporate Income
    Tax Returns

    The assistance with or preparation of corporate T2 slips.

  • Estate Tax Planning
    and Returns

    The assistance with or preparation of estate tax planning and filing.

  • T5

    The assistance with or preparation of T5 slips for dividend and interest income.

  • T4

    The assistance with or preparation of T4 slips for employment income.



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    Office Hours
    Thursday, April 18, 2024

    Summer Office Hours

    Monday- 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM

    Tuesday- 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM

    Wednesday- 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM

    Thursday- 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM

    Friday- 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM

    Saturday- Closed

    Sunday- Closed

    Phone: (705)326-3104

    Fax: (705)326-6010

    General Email: info@gordonrobertson.ca

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